Recently Works

2018/Sep: “GIVE WAY”

You can hear this album follow link at Music Streming Services as Apple Music, Spotify and others.

This Album titled “GIVE WAY” is DUO Album made by Guitar and Piano. Although, Guitar was played by human, but, Piano was Played by AI named “PerformaceRNN (” made by Curtis Hawthorne ( github: cghawthorne , Twitter: @fjord41 ) and Nikhil Thorat ( github: nsthorat , Twitter: @nsthorat ). It has 8 tracks. detail is 7 tracks who played by “Human and AI”, and 1 track who played by “Human and Human”.

“GIVE WAY” (道を譲れ)というタイトルのこのアルバムは、ギターとピアノのデュオアルバムです。と言ってもギターは人間が演奏していますが、ピアノはCurtis Hawthorne ( github: cghawthorne , Twitter: @fjord41 ) と、Nikhil Thorat ( github: nsthorat , Twitter: @nsthorat )の両名によって制作された”PerformanceRNN (”というAIによって演奏されています。このアルバムには8曲収録されていますが、そのうち7曲は「人間とAI」 によって演奏され、1曲は「人間と人間」によって演奏されています。

More detail

Linernotes is here : ja / en

2018/Jan: Master’s Works and Theses at IAMAS

I was researching about “Attempt to create music with multilayered temporal structures and possibility of embodiments for player and audience” from 2016 to 2018. Finaly, I made one master’s works and video and one master’s theses.

See more detail is here